Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Pre-Sales questions > Why is our hosting price affordable?
If having other party providing too cheap hosting then customer can get risk for unstable product, bad support, low performance server and bandwidth...
Vos3000hosting.com provides customer affordable price for long time business. Example if you choose a large business plan for 1000 ports, then price $249 monthly is not much, because if you hire a server then the fee is at around our price, but lack of switch support, unstable and securities issues for switch can be occurred. Moreover, a business runs 1000ports is often in high profit, some hundreds USD monthly are affordable. The vos3000hosting.com supports good securities and supports from our senior engineers, you are free risk for your business and doesn't take time for switch issues.
If customer runs overs 2000 ports, we can give you better negotiation for the price, please contact our support for that.
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