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Illegal calls in CDR Data Query
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Nowaday, auto-voip-programs from external sides can send large calls everyday to your VOS3000 softswitch server. These calls will be failed as Illegal calls because they are not from unauthorized IP or unauthorized username/password. However for large calls attempts, it should be called as attacking source, which will send different username/password for every call to try to pass thru your softswitch and if there is a account matched with that user/pass and dialing number pattern matched, then the traffic will be passed in success.
Auto-voip-program doesn’t need to know your IP server, they will scan for all internet IP on the port 5060 for SIP, if getting a response, it will continue the next step to make more attempts.---THIS IS HIDDEN CONTENT----You must login to get full view and you must have at least one active product in-use.
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