Portal Home > Knowledgebase > VOS3000 Public Guides > VOS3000 - Client account settings for Dynamic gateway / Static gateway / Phone
Meaning clearing:
Client -----send calls ----> VOs3000hosting.com softswitch service -----send calls---->Carrier
Client: we mean client is customer/buyer/originator/caller who sends traffic to our VOS3000hosting.com softswitch service.
Carrier: we mean carrier is seller/provider/terminator who receives the calls from our VOS3000hosting.com softswitch service.1> Client gateway account
1.1> Client account preparation
Example data:
- Client name = TestClient
- Client balance = 10
- (a) In case, we want to client to add prefix “011” before the phone number, then we will assign Client incoming prefix / techprefix / client prefix = 011
- (b) Client destination phone numbers (prefixes) allowed: 1800, 1888
- Note: 1800 = 1 (USA) + 800 (Tollfree code prefix) ;
1888 = 1 (USA) + 888 (Tollfree code prefix) ;
- Full dialing format: if we assign techprefix 011, then format will be (a) + (b) = 011888, 011800
- Client ratesheet name = Tollfree
- Authorization type = International
Note: To access the rate assigned by Authorization type, then client gateway or client phone must have the same Authorization type. If not, the call prefix will be rejected.
- Client has two gateways account and one phone account. In live mode, depend on your client business you can give him one or more client accounts.
Note: use client gateway account (origination) if caller/origination/client side is gateway/softswicth sending large traffic peer to peer otherwise you can use phone account.
In short, if your client is wholesale, create client gateway account. Otherwise create client phone account
- Client gateway account 1:
- Gateway user name = GW01
- Gateway password = 888888
- Gateway type = Dynamic
- Client gateway account 2:
- Gateway user name = GW02
- Gateway password = 888888
- Gateway type = Static
- IP static address =
- Client phone account 1:
- Phone user name = 13230009999
- Phone password = 12345678
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